Thursday 13 February 2014

Phileas fog ideas.

To start off, i mind mapped out the key features of his character which I felt were important to his development. Things like his hobbies, kind acts and routine, made it a lot easier to get a good picture of what he is like. Below is a picture of the mind map I drew up.

I eventually had a good well developed personality in my mind.
  • Kind hearted yet strict and rather unforgiving in some cases.
  • Very mechanical in his way of life, always on time and won't take kindly if you are late for him.
  • Upper class, enjoys the wealth but doesn't feel as though thats all he wants in life. Puts his money to good use.
  • Extremely swarve and holds himself high.
  • Seems as though he doesnt fit into society, he probably wears outlandish clothing. He isnt afraid to stand out, yet doesn't do it to attract attention either.
  • He is willing to talk, but likes to get straight to the point. Idle chat wastes his time.
With all this is mind i couldn't help but think this extreme personality couldn't be portrayed better than an animal. I went through a couple of animals in my head, owls, tiger,cat, dingo.... But i decided on a Siamese cat.

The features of the Siamese cat are very refined and stern looking, like i would imagine him to be. A Siamese is often looked at as an outcast breed, an out of the ordinary cat to see. Which also fits him perfectly. Plus this cat is very sleek and considered quite mysterious, just like Phileas is nobody knows much about him! These were some sketches of the different cat breeds i went through, and a skull drawing to get an idea of anatomy.

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