Thursday 13 February 2014

The final interior

And here we have the final, finished interior. Goodness were to start....

Well first off we see the white tea set on the tray with the bible. I spout is pointed outward towards the room so our eyes are brought up and through the spot lights of the windows. We are brought up the the mantle shelf with the very important painting mantioned in the story. I decided to light it up to make it even more impressive. The wooden beams and huge and stretch diagonally across the roof, giving it a unique charm, which is what the book said it has... lots of charm They reflect the lovely yellow glow from the windows giving it a very warm and cosy feel. Little colourful pictures reflect the light too, giving the room even more light. Little boxes are places neatly, which serve as chairs of course. This also gives it charm and character. I didn't want to loose the industrial look though. Which is why the door is as it was before hand, with a metal step and circular window. The rugs are green to give it that 'classic cabin' feel. I edited the whole thing when i had finished, to look warm. I adjusted the colour balance to give it more power to the golden glow it has. I personally think it looks very cosy in here, despite its large open plan design.

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